Blog, blag, blah!
Think you don’t need to blog? Think again.
I’m fully aware that the sheer thought of writing a blog post is dreadful. Blog = Blah. I get it. But, to even have a slight chance of appearing in Google search results you need to blog. Call it what you will, but choose something that will make blogging attractive for YOU. Blogging is vital for your website to ‘build authority’ with Google; to prove that you are an expert in your field and show commitment.
There are many theories on how many words a blog should be and how often you are supposed to blog. A good start is to … just get started. Pick a simple topic related to what you do and start writing – maybe about how you got started or what sets you apart.
Rule of thumb for writing blog content: minimum of 500 words or about three short paragraphs. Throw in a catchy title/headline and be sure to include targeted keywords and key phrases. This should take you no longer than one hour or so. Remember that you write blog content not only for your readers but primarily for none other than Google
How often should I post a blog you ask? That’s up to you. More often is better (weekly, dare I say daily), but if you can’t at least make it regular (monthly or bi-weekly). Or let us do the blogging.
Blogging will add tremendous value to your website and over time improve your Google rankings.

Can't afford an SEO Company? Blog!
Blogging is the most affordable and effective way to move you up in Google search results.
How much to write? How often to post? How to pick a topic? How to research and implement keywords and key phrases?
Overwhelmed? Let us help.
Optimizing Blog Content for Google
Keyword optimization is important when it comes to blog content.
As they say ‘content is king‘ and you will need to diligently research the topics you are writing about and find keywords and key phrases that support that topic.
It’s not rocket science – just Google science ;)