If you had the unpleasant surprise wakinging up to a hacked website you know the value
of secure WordPress website hosting and archived backups.

  • Managed WordPress Website Hosting

    Not all website hosting is equal – many companies make you pay extra for your SSL certificate and don’t provide reliable backups - of any!

    WordPress hosting includes:
    secure & fast server • latest PHP • 30-day rolling backups • monthly archived backup • SSL certificate

  • WordPress Website Maintenance

    WordPress is phenomenal but needs to be kept up-to-date. For a small monthly fee, we will keep your website current.

    Monthly updates include:
    WordPress • Theme • Plugins • PHP

  • 30-day Rolling+ Monthly Archived Backups

    Do you know if your website is being backed up regularly? What if you get hacked or experience a catastrophic failure?

    Just in case something happens we provide 30-day rolling backups and also backup your website once a month and keep it in a safe place.

Website Design, Development, Updates, and Maintenance. We’ve got you covered!