One-Page Scrolling Website

The perfect solution for a small business.

It can be difficult to decide what your new website should look like, but one thing is for sure: your visitors need to know WHO you are, WHAT you do, and WHERE to find you.

one-page scrolling website can achieve all that with just one single page. Not every business is an ideal candidate, but for others, it’s a perfect starting point (it’s easy to add more pages later).

If you are a business that provides a service like a hair salon or beauty spa you want your clients to quickly see the services you offer, how much they costfind your location, and book an appointment.

If you are in the restaurant business you want your customers to quickly see your menu, business hours, make a reservation or even place a take-out or delivery.

No matter the business you are in – a one-page scrolling website layout is a very attractive and modern option. There is not a lot of clicking around and all the information is just a scroll away. The header menu is visible at all times so visitors can easily navigate your website. A one-page scrolling website is very cutting-edge – especially if you add effects like parallax image scrolling.

Don’t let your lack of precious time and possibly a smaller web design budget hinder you from getting your ideas and products out into the world wide web and most importantly your community – we can build you a one-page scrolling website that will fit your needs and budget.

A one-page scrolling website is the perfect solution for a small business.

Website Design, Development, Hosting, Updates, Maintenance. We’ve got you covered!